Body Blueprint,

How Your Pain May Be Telling A Story

Now available!

The body doesn’t lie.

Chronic pain tells a story.

What if pain isn’t just physical? Scientists are proving mental and emotional stress can manifest as physical pain. Research reveals a blueprint of the body that links certain areas of the body to specific mental and/or emotional stress. Pain shows up to get our attention. To truly heal, we must dig in and uncover the story.

Want to have a chat? Schedule in the Zoom room with Jodi.

The body doesn’t lie.

Chronic pain tells
a story.

What if pain isn’t just physical? Scientists are proving mental and emotional stress can manifest as physical pain. Research reveals a blueprint of the body that links certain areas of the body to specific mental and/or emotional stress. Pain shows up to get our attention. To truly heal, we must dig in and uncover the story.

Want to chat? Click the button to schedule some time in the Zoom room with Jodi.

Watch Jodi’s Tedx Talk:
Body Blueprint, How Your Pain Might be Telling a Story

When daily pain compromises a person’s life, we all lose.

Through her work a massage therapist Jodi Scholes has provided over 20,000 hours of hands-on treatment.

“It’s my privilege to share my experiences and to offer a new point of view on healing from chronic pain. The Body Blueprint is not new. It builds on the work of authors like Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra. This is for all those looking for natural solutions for pain management.” 

About Jodi


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Image of Bookstore Barnes & Noble with link to buy the Body Blueprint book
Barnes & Noble image with link to buy the Body Blueprint
Amazon logo with a link to purchase the Body Blueprint book

Learn how to facilitate a space to

let the body heal.

This is best done in the quiet. How do you find your happy place? Meditation? A walk in the woods? Getting a massage? When we get quiet, the still small voice starts to speak again, and we listen as it reveals our heart’s desires. We remember who we really are. True healing works in two ways: from the outside in and from the inside out. Traditional medicine approaches healing from the outside, in. It’s our job to investigate from the inside, out.

Learn how to facilitate the space to

let the body heal.

How do you find your quiet? Meditation? A walk in the woods? Getting a massage? When we get quiet, the still small voice starts to speak again, and we listen as it reveals our heart’s desires. We remember who we really are. True healing works in two ways: from the outside in and from the inside out. Traditional medicine approaches healing from the outside, in. It’s our job to investigate from the inside, out.

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It’s time to look at our pain in a different way

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““Jodi has fabulous stage presence. It is conversational and inviting while being
very informative. She delivers a talk that is very relaxed and authoritative at the
same time. If you’d like a speaker that can knock it out of the park, here she is.”

Rev. Gayle Dillon
Genesis Global Spiritual Center

“”Jodi is an amazing speaker! Powerful. Confident. The message is clear and
beautifully articulated. It’s also much needed in the western world, where we are
diagnosed and medicated for pain without getting to the root cause. Bravo!”

David DeVore
Author, Speaker

“”I really enjoyed Jodi’s talk and nodded my head the whole time… she is speaking to the choir with me!”

Barbara Novak PhD
Author, Speaker

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