I Just Passed the National Exam Have you taken the test? I took the National Exam the first time in 1993 with a No.2 pencil filling in the circles. I let my certification lapse and -much to my shock and horror- had to take the test again in 2004. Both tests were given...
That Nasty Trigger Point. You Know The One There’s that trigger point (TrPt) again. You know it well: just inside the shoulder blade and a little up. That cherry sized knot that sits there waiting like a speed bump. You find it every time. Here’s the big...
This One Is A Bit Raw Here’s a true story. It’s not a pretty one, but as I think about where and when I learned some life lessons, I remember some of the tough times. That day it felt like a punch in the gut. I closed the door to my office and laid my...
Someone – On My Staff – Stole It I teach almost every day; but I learn almost every day too. As I brainstormed about lessons worth sharing with you, that I have learned while running a therapeutic massage center, I stumbled upon a memory that...
Have You Ever Had To Fire A Client? Oh sometimes this is ugly. Firing a client is ugly because it’s never about them. It’s about us. How dare I say firing a client is about you?!? Well my pretties, it’s the truth.The first time I fired a client I had been...
To CBD Or Not To CBD, That Is The Question… What the heck is CBD? Technically CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabinoids. Great, but what the heck are Cannabinoids? Cannabinoids refer to the active compounds from plant species called Cannabis. Cannabis? Gasp! Now...
Want to Learn More About the Hidden Meanings of Pain?
The book Body Blueprint, How Pain Tells A Story is available for pre-order. Dropping into mailboxes Summer 2021. Click For More Info
There is a hidden meaning to pain. Pain is a messenger that wants to tell you a story. A story you can figure out by matching the uncooperative body part with its mental and/or emotional triggers. Throughout these pages I am delighted to share with you the results of my 25 years of hands on research. Once you understand your Body Blueprint, the power is in your hands to end the pain.
WELCOME to the answers you've been looking for...Jodi
Want to figure out your story? Schedule a private consult.