The Body Blueprint Blog
That Nasty Trigger Point. You Know The One
There’s that trigger point (TrPt) again. You know it well: just inside the shoulder blade and a little up. That cherry sized knot that sits there waiting like a speed bump. You find it every time. Here’s the big secret to
This One Is A Bit Raw
Here’s a true story. It’s not a pretty one, but as I think about where and when I learned some life lessons, I remember some of the tough times. That day it felt like a punch in the gut. I closed the door to my office and laid my forehead on the
Someone – On My Staff – Stole It
I teach almost every day; but I learn almost every day too. As I brainstormed about lessons worth sharing with you, that I have learned while running a therapeutic massage center, I stumbled upon a memory that…
Have You Ever Had To Fire A Client?
Oh sometimes this is ugly. Firing a client is ugly because it’s never about them. It’s about us. How dare I say firing a client is about you?!? Well my pretties, it’s the truth.The first time I fired a client I had been in business…
To CBD Or Not To CBD, That Is The Question…
What the heck is CBD? Technically CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabinoids. Great, but what the heck are Cannabinoids? Cannabinoids refer to the active compounds from plant species called Cannabis. Cannabis? Gasp! Now
Have You Read Your Own Online Reviews?
Do you have any online reviews? Many business owners put their fingers in their ears and start singing lah, la-lah, la, la-lah going about their merry way, none the wiser. But not you! You are actually reading this
Teaching Massage-It’s Not Just The Strokes
For a few years now I have been consulting with clinics and I’ve noticed something really disturbing. Students are being taught how to do massage but not how to be a massage therapist.Recently a frustrated clinic owner
It’s Time To Prepare For Mother’s Day
It comes the same time each year, so how is it that Mother’s Day ‘sneaks up’ on us? Are you ready? Here is what ready looks like: (1) You update your website or Facebook page for your massage practice regularly. If you…
30% Can’t Pass The Test. What’s Going On?
According to the ABMP, 30% of the test takers who attempt the MBLEx fail.I have to ask, Why?Is it duration of the program? Many massage schools have moved to a 6 month program. Is 6 months long enough to produce a
My, My, My What A Large Hippocampus You Have!
Did you know that your hippocampus, the memory center in your brain, is literally able to grow new cells? Recent research confirms the hippocampus regenerates throughout your entire lifetime – even into your 90s – provided
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