Imagination. Your Super Power

Imagination. Your Super Power

Imagination. Your Super Power When was the last time you got really excited about something cool? A new puppy, a new baby, new car (new to you). Maybe your favorite team winning the game, your kid nailing their part in the play, your lawn looking sahweet compared to...
The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination Imagine grabbing your shades as the sun peeks through the clouds. You settle in to enjoy the warmth of the glow. Ahhhh, the delicious decadence of resting in the sunshine. Can you feel it? Breathe in for a just a moment. Where are you? The...
Book Sneak Peak

Book Sneak Peak

Book Sneak Peak “ Hello to my wonderful, loyal readers, This month I’m sending you an sneak peek excerpt from the Body Blueprint book. Let me know what you think! I enjoy reading your feedback. The book is in it’s final stages, but it’s not out...
Who Is My Next Client?

Who Is My Next Client?

Who Is My Next Client? So, I had been warned. He’s a bit odd. Talks a lot. He’s difficult, but harmless. He has some crazy ideas. He’s a former Marine. Okay, you got me. He’s a former Marine? I’ll do my best to help. Leo served as a...
A Deeper Meaning to Gut Pain

A Deeper Meaning to Gut Pain

A Deeper Meaning to Gut Pain Karen describes herself as a bit of a worry wart. One of her earliest memories was of her dog going to the vet. Both she and her mom were ‘worried sick’ the dog wouldn’t make it. Thankfully Rufus was bouncing and back to normal after just...