Honoring Teachers

Honoring Teachers

Honoring Teachers Who is one of your favorite teachers?In massage school, Joanne Checchi was a magician. She taught me to listen to the body with all my awareness. She was kind, yet firm. She was encouraging and set high expectations. Being in class with Checchi up...
Do You Feel Grounded?

Do You Feel Grounded?

Do You Feel Grounded? Take a breath. I invite you to join me here in the present. Eckhart Tolle says, “The past has no power over the present moment.” Feeling grounded starts with moving your awareness to right here, right now. Are you sitting down? What...
Be Ye Hot or Cold, Not Lukewarm

Be Ye Hot or Cold, Not Lukewarm

Be Ye Hot or Cold, Not Lukewarm What are you passionate about? Do you love animals? Do you get fired up about women’s rights? Who is your favorite sports team? Have you ever marched in a protest? I’d love to hear about THAT! What motivates you to leave...
Who Is My Next Client?

Who Is My Next Client?

Who Is My Next Client? So, I had been warned. He’s a bit odd. Talks a lot. He’s difficult, but harmless. He has some crazy ideas. He’s a former Marine. Okay, you got me. He’s a former Marine? I’ll do my best to help. Leo served as a...
Can Our Body Change Our Mind?

Can Our Body Change Our Mind?

Can Our Body Change Our Mind? Apparently so.Amy Cuddy in her TED talk shares, “Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” Science has proven our posture impacts our feelings. Now wait a minute. Is...
Has Your Heart Ever Been Broken?

Has Your Heart Ever Been Broken?

Has Your Heart Ever Been Broken? My heart was broken when my cat, Zoe, got sick and I had to make the decision to put her to sleep. Have you ever had to make that choice? Luckily, I got to spend the weekend with her before saying goodbye. When the appointed time came,...