New Moon Wish List Who are you? Are you an extrovert or an introvert?Are you intuitive or is it more comfortable for you to be objective, believing mostly in what you can see, hear, touch, smell, taste?Do you think your way through a situation or feel your way through...
The $10,000,000 question? Have you asked yourself the ten million dollar question? Be prepared. If you choose to participate, your life could change in 30 seconds. Grab a pen and a piece of paper. We are not diving into the depths of your soul. But let’s have...
To CBD or Not to CBD That is the Question Have you been bombarded by the ridiculous amount of CBD products on the market? In my practice I normally steer clear of products promising to be the next best thing to relieve pain. Truth be told, I prefer to test creams,...
Humility Versus Humiliation Thank you for for reading this today! I feel our heart to heart connection today, even stronger than in the past. On Saturday, March 27 sometime after 9am EDT my TEDx talk will be broadcast to the world. How would that make you feel? Yes,...
Healing From the Inside Out, Not the Outside In Most people try to heal from the outside in. We are conditioned: if you have a headache, there’s a pill for that. If you itch, there’s a cream for that. If you have a can’t sleep, there’s a pill...
What is Your Gut Feeling? I hope you will humor me this month with a slight deviation from the norm. The majority of my writing is about eliminating pain from the body. Today is no exception, except that I am writing about the collective body. You may have noticed...
Want to Learn More About the Hidden Meanings of Pain?
The book Body Blueprint, How Pain Tells A Story is available for pre-order. Dropping into mailboxes Summer 2021. Click For More Info
There is a hidden meaning to pain. Pain is a messenger that wants to tell you a story. A story you can figure out by matching the uncooperative body part with its mental and/or emotional triggers. Throughout these pages I am delighted to share with you the results of my 25 years of hands on research. Once you understand your Body Blueprint, the power is in your hands to end the pain.
WELCOME to the answers you've been looking for...Jodi
Want to figure out your story? Schedule a private consult.