The Body Blueprint Blog

Can Our Body Change Our Mind?

Can Our Body Change Our Mind?

Apparently so.Amy Cuddy in her TED talk shares, “Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” Science has proven our posture impacts our feelings. Now wait a minute. Is this the old 'fake it til you...

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Has Your Heart Ever Been Broken?

Has Your Heart Ever Been Broken?

My heart was broken when my cat, Zoe, got sick and I had to make the decision to put her to sleep. Have you ever had to make that choice? Luckily, I got to spend the weekend with her before saying goodbye. When the appointed time came, I sobbed. So much sorrow. If you...

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Humility Versus Humiliation

Humility Versus Humiliation

Thank you for for reading this today! I feel our heart to heart connection today, even stronger than in the past. On Saturday, March 27 sometime after 9am EDT my TEDx talk will be broadcast to the world. How would that make you feel? Yes, I’m stoked. Yes, I’m scared....

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Healing From the Inside Out, Not the Outside In

Healing From the Inside Out, Not the Outside In

Most people try to heal from the outside in. We are conditioned: if you have a headache, there's a pill for that. If you itch, there's a cream for that. If you have a can't sleep, there's a pill for that too. Is the world mindlessly popping pills that have unexpected...

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What is Your Gut Feeling?

What is Your Gut Feeling?

I hope you will humor me this month with a slight deviation from the norm. The majority of my writing is about eliminating pain from the body. Today is no exception, except that I am writing about the collective body. You may have noticed the background noise of...

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Hips Represent Stability and Our Foundation

Hips Represent Stability and Our Foundation

Saying goodbye to 2020 urges us to release. Release and exhale. What experiences would you like to forgive and forget this year? By holding on to past experiences there is less space open for new experiences. We learn from experience, but sometimes we also lose. If we...

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Knee Pain and Inflexibility

Knee Pain and Inflexibility

In this PEP TALK, we ask, "Is there a story being revealed by my knee pain?" Sometimes pain is related to a mental, emotional and physical issue. Researchers call this the biopsychosocial reasons for pain.  Let’s take a look at what we do on our knees:  We pray.We...

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Foot Pain: Taking the next step in life

Foot Pain: Taking the next step in life

Have I mentioned recently that I love foot massage? Oh, I do. Love to receive and love to give. Gimme those little tootsies! Yes, there are a few folks who really don't like foot massage. But, I am not one of them. Pain in the feet is SO distracting. To find out,just...

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A Deeper Meaning to Gut Pain

A Deeper Meaning to Gut Pain

Karen describes herself as a bit of a worry wart. One of her earliest memories was of her dog going to the vet. Both she and her mom were ‘worried sick’ the dog wouldn’t make it. Thankfully Rufus was bouncing and back to normal after just an overnight. At 9 years old,...

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